Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Did You Know that Kefir Helps to Prevent Colorectal Cancer?!

Well, that is certainly amazing news, isn't it?

Colorectal cancer is a modern day concern partly due to the lack of fiber and nutrition in our diets.

Kefir and its amazing live cultures actually helps to prevent colorectal cancer, and more according to recent peer reviewed published scientific studies! WOW!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kefir is....

Basically the kefir grains that you see are little blobs of bacteria and yeast that cling together and feed mainly on the lactose in milk. These grains help culture the milk into a fanstastic healthy drink that is even better than live yogurt.

Kefir grains will continue to grow and get bigger and multiply, so you will eventually have to either give them away, put them into a gigantic jar, or divide them. Many people sell them also. I personally prefer to keep the tradition of the person who gave them to me and give them away. Yes, it does have a minor cost involved (small containers for transport and a small amount of milk), but to me, the reward for doing it is better than the monetary reward that might come along.

I am selling kefir though, and if anyone in Kuwait wants some it is 2 kd for a liter of kefir. The kefir that I make is delicious, light and ever so slightly tangy, so you won't be disappointed.

If you want grains contact me here and you can have them for free, but there is a waiting list.

What is Kefir?

Kefir has mysterious origins. Many people claim that it was given to the Prophet Mohamed of the Islamic faith by God (Allah), but there isn't any concrete evidence of this. So, where kefir really came from is going to be anyone's guess until further information is discovered. There are sites out there that claim that kefir can be made from putting milk in a leather container with some other ingredients and after shaking it for a while it will grow kefir grains. I will try that some day, but in the meantime, I will be happy that I have my kefir grains that were passed down to me from a friend, and I hope that others will be happy that I am continuing the tradition by passing down my extra kefir grains to others too. I'm thinking of selling my kefir soon, because it's getting to the point where we have more than we can drink. So, if you're interested in getting fresh kefir in Kuwait, you can contact me here at the blog.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What is Kefir?

People always ask me, what is kefir. People even pronounce the word differently! Some people say "keefer" and some people say "kafeer", and others call it even other names!

Frankly, I have the same questions myself. I know what it looks like, because I have it growing and culturing in my kitchen, but I can only give you a ballpark idea of what it really is. And, apparently, I'm not alone!

The fact is that there is a lot of mystery behind what kefir is, where it came from, and what it does. Here, we are going to explore together the history, science, and more of kefir.

So, let's start together on our kefir discovery journey!